

All company representatives attending any convention function, including hospitalities and Vendor Night, regardless of the extent or duration of their participation in other convention activities, must be registered for the GPA Midstream Convention to participate. Spouses/significant others must also be registered to attend receptions and hospitalities.


Early registrants may obtain a full refund if GPA Midstream receives a written cancellation notice (email is acceptable) by 5 p.m. Central time on Aug. 31, 2023. No refunds will be given after Aug. 31. A registration may be transferred at no cost to a colleague with a written request. Refunds for events (breakfasts, clays,etc.) and spouse/significant other fees will not be given.

Convention Attire

Dress is business casual

Convention Name Badge

Required for admission to all events, including hospitalities.

Continuing Education

A downloadable Certificate of Attendance will be available via QR code at the end of each forum. Certificates are not available at any other time. A copy of the program along with accumulated Certificate of Attendances serve as documentation of training and can usually be used to obtain professional development hours for continuing education.

Company Entertainment

Both GPA Midstream and GPSA companies subscribe to a number of common sense entertainment rules that are designed to promote the serious purpose of the GPA Midstream Convention. The principal requirements applicable to convention entertainment are: hospitality rooms are to remain closed during any scheduled convention function; private parties in excess of 40 persons are not permitted during the convention dates; advertising, including posting of hospitality suite signs in lobbies or hallways, is not permitted. The GPA Midstream Convention has board-approved sponsorship opportunities for companies interested in marketing outreach to attendees.

Free Literature Tables

GPA Midstream will provide a set of tables near the registration area to registered attendees wishing to place literature about their companies at no charge. Please note that this area is restricted to paper materials only. No other items, including but not limited to tote bags, pens, koozies, caps, cups, flash drives, etc., will be allowed in this area. Any materials not fitting our “literature-only” criteria for this area will be removed by GPA Midstream. Thank you for your cooperation.